Refuge Church Ojai Valley

We exist to take the whole Jesus to the whole person. This podcast will be updated weekly with messages from Sundays once we start gathering in September 2023. Until then, we’ve posted some previous messages from our lead pastor, Kyle Costello.

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15 hours ago

It’s hard to find a person who enjoys being a hypocrite. We don’t like thinking one way and acting another, but often its what we find ourselves doing.  We want to be “good” people and we want to do “good” things, but its not as easy as it sounds.  So where does that leave us as followers of Jesus? James shows us the heart of what it means to love God and “do” good things. #faith #followingjesus

Ask God: Get Wisdom

Sunday Jun 09, 2024

Sunday Jun 09, 2024

When it comes to life every single one of us faces trial and difficulty.  We all have times of suffering. What is a follower of Jesus supposed to do in those moments? What is promised us? James gets very specific in the Bible that in those moments God is ready and willing to give us exactly what we need. #faith #wisdom #trustingod #encouragement

Monday Jun 03, 2024

Real faith considers. Real faith produces endurance. Real faith makes us complete.This week we begin a new series through the book of James called Vintage Faith. In chapter 1 we're encouraged and challenged that even in trials we have hope that God is working in way that will change everything. We don’t have to fake joy and we don’t have to pretend it's easy, but God can grow authentic Faith in us as we endure difficulties while he makes us complete. #faith #endurance #trials #bookofjames

The Unhurried Mind

Monday May 27, 2024

Monday May 27, 2024

Ever find yourself there but not really there? How about easily annoyed with people? This week, our guest speaker, Conor Le Blanc of Real Life Church, helps us see how Jesus modeled being present and, if we are going to live like He did, why it's so important that we also figure out how to live present! #beingpresent #unhurried #hurry #peace

Sunday May 19, 2024

Last week we learned that God doesn’t mature us and grow us up just to be silent and complacent. One of the ways he calls us to live is through spiritual warfare. We are called to announce his kingdom and do battle on his behalf. But battle is a big word and brings all kinds of things to mind. What does God mean? What does it look like to live it out? This week we will dive deep into what it means to be his people and exactly what it looks like to fight our battle.  #spiritualwarfare #faith #followingGod

Bootcamp: "GO and ?"

Monday May 13, 2024

Monday May 13, 2024

As God leads His people he always has a plan in mind. The big question then is what is that plan? If Yahweh takes his people through his bootcamp what are they supposed to do when it's over? This week we look specifically at how God calls his people to Go and live in the world. #faith #followingGod #faithjourney 

A New Identity 2.0

Monday May 06, 2024

Monday May 06, 2024

In the Bible, we are called something we don't often hear anymore... "Saints". What does it mean to be a Saint? Is it something we earn or is it a part of a God-given identity? This week, Rick Atchley, the lead pastor from The Hills Church in Texas, delivers a powerful message on what it means to live a new identity in Christ. #identity #saints #believers #newidentity #faith 

Sunday Apr 28, 2024

How does God’s grace work? Why is sin a bad thing? What does it mean for God to be Holy? Why and how would God ever want a realationship with me? From the beginning God has been on a mission to heal us, renew us, and be reunited with us. This week we see exactly how he accomplishes His mission. We see that he is not a God to run from but a God to run to. #grace #atonement #sin #forgiveness #oldtestament 

Bootcamp: "Hurry Up and Wait"

Wednesday Apr 24, 2024

Wednesday Apr 24, 2024

We all hate to wait. In fact, our culture has tried its best to make sure we never have to wait. But what if we are missing something? What if in the waiting, God shows us more of who we are and who he is? #faith #waiting #waitingwell  #ojai #god #healing #healingjourney #freedom #strongholds

Sunday Apr 14, 2024

Living into a new mindset or a new identity sounds easy, especially when something miraculous happens, but thats not always or almost is never the case. Old habits die hard and even when it sounds or looks ridiculous it can be easy for us to revert back to the old ways. So where is the hope? If we want to trust God or live differently how do we take on a new identity? Thankfully, since the beginning, God has been inviting us into a way of living and trusting that reshapes our mind and our ability to leave the old ways behind. #transformation #faith #trust #Jesus #yahweh #exodus #sermons


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